Cultivation and management method of heather

Cultivation and management methods of heather :

1. The purchase of seedlings. When purchasing seedlings, you should choose a supplier with good reputation and good after-sales service to ensure the purity of the variety and reduce the production risk. Zhejiang Senhe Seed Industry Co., Ltd. is a large-scale company that develops heather in China. Its seedling technology is leading, and the seedlings provided are high-quality container seedlings. The product consistency is good and the root system is developed, especially with matrix transplanting. Root injury, the survival rate is almost 100%, and it grows rapidly after transplanting.

2. Selection and arrangement of nursery land. The soil in the planting area is loose, fertile, slightly acidic to neutral, and the irrigation is convenient and the drainage is good. Before planting, 3000 kg of decomposed manure and 50 kg of superphosphate were applied per mu, and the depth of soil tillage was more than 25 cm. At the same time, insecticide was applied to control underground pests. After tillage, the soil is leveled, the drainage ditch is opened, and the seedbed is made. The width of the bed is about 1 meter.

3. Seedling transplanting. The time for seedling transplanting is generally between March-April in spring and October-November in autumn, depending on local climatic conditions. The spacing of colonization depends on the time of stay and the breeding goal. If it is planned to sell small shrubs for one year, the row spacing should be 35x35 cm or 40x40 cm, about 3,000 plants per mu.

When seedlings are transplanted, care should be taken to remove the package or remove the nutrient mash, to ensure that the roots of the soil ball are intact, and to dig holes at a fixed point; use fine soil piled on the roots, and the roots are stretched and gently compacted. Root water is poured in time after planting.

4. Cultivation management. During the slow seedling period after planting, special attention should be paid to water management. In case of continuous sunny days, water should be poured 3-4 days after transplanting, and then water should be poured every 10 days; in case of continuous rain, Timely drainage. After about 15 days, the seedlings can be fertilized by slowing down the seedling stage. Urea is applied once every half month in the spring, the dosage is about 5 kg/mu, and the compound fertilizer is applied once every half month in summer and autumn. The dosage is 5 kg/mu, and the organic fertilizer is applied in winter, the dosage is 1500 kg/ Mu, it is better to bury it. Fertilization should be based on the principle of thin fertilizer and diligence. It should not be used too much at one time to avoid burning roots. In normal times, it is necessary to weed and loosen the soil in time to prevent soil compaction.

5. Pest control. Photinia was more resistant and no devastating pests were found. However, if the management is improper or the nursery environment is poor, gray mold, leaf spot, or scale insect damage may occur. Botrytis cinerea can be prevented by spraying with 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution, and the onset period can be controlled by spraying with 50% sensitized zinc 800 times solution. Leaf spot disease can be controlled with 50% carbendazim 300 to 400 times solution or thiophanate 300-400 times solution. The scale insects can be sprayed with a 200-fold solution of dimethoate emulsion or 800 to 1000 times liquid spray.

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