How about pure solid wood furniture? Joe tells you

梓 Joe Furniture News News For smog, I think everyone is as scared and afraid as Xiaobian, because we all want a healthy life. Because of this, people's choice of furniture is also quite rigorous. However, pure solid wood furniture is the lowest formaldehyde content in furniture. The following small series introduces you to several pure solid wood furniture.

纯实木家具怎么样 梓乔告诉你

In the newly renovated house, the formaldehyde will exceed the standard. As long as one or two pots of spider orchids are placed in the new house, the formaldehyde will be partially absorbed. However, since the volatilization time of formaldehyde is as long as 3-15 years, it is impossible to rely solely on plants to remove formaldehyde. The best way is to ventilate and reduce the formaldehyde concentration below the safe limit.

Solid wood itself does not contain formaldehyde, but when making solid wood furniture, some interfaces need to use adhesives, and formaldehyde is one of the commonly used raw materials in adhesives, so solid wood furniture also contains a certain amount of formaldehyde. However, compared to wood board and MDF, the formaldehyde content in solid wood furniture will be less.
After buying furniture and returning to do a series of formaldehyde removal measures, it is better to solve it from the source. Use pure solid wood furniture to reduce the volatilization of formaldehyde in the home.

The above is the relevant information of pure solid wood furniture, want to know more furniture information, please pay attention to 梓 家具 furniture

Source: 梓乔家具

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