The most common living room ceiling 3 practices

The home improvement industry has long been dominated by "minimalism". The need for ceilings and the choice of ceiling types have again become a matter of some sort. It is very necessary for “researching”. In order to distinguish between functional areas, hidden light source settings, and other requirements, common living room ceiling practices include the following:

Links: Photo: ceiling installation and romantic ceiling show

Hollow type

Do ceilings around the living room, but not in the middle. This type of suspended ceiling can be used as a basic material of wood plywood, designed into a simple shape, increase the visual level while meeting the minimalist purpose. Install spotlights or downlights at appropriate locations on the ceiling to distinguish functional areas with light. In the middle of the hollow with a suitable light source, this will increase the visual height, more suitable for a large space of the living room. Ceiling timber should use high-quality soft wood, such as pine, fir, its moisture content should be controlled within 12%. The keel is straight and it should not be distorted and there must be a horizontal section through the section.

Horizontal type

If the living room has ample space, then in the selection of ceilings, various options such as glass fiberboard ceilings, plywood ceilings, gypsum ceilings, etc., can be selected. These ceilings have the function of reducing noise and are the most ideal choice.

Ceiling installation space glass home improvement

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