Netizen 30,000 Gets New Home 13 Money Tips Open

Netizens’ remarks: Now that the family has basically bought something, the road to save money has also changed from a fumbling stage to a physical object at home, watching the shopping methods of some brothers and sisters, and for those who are so secretive to me. , it is for their distressed pockets, here to introduce my shopping methods. However, I solemnly declare that any way to save money is built on the premise of quality and quantity of decoration. Saving money does not mean that you can use bad things, not environmentally friendly building materials, you can help workers in the decoration error.

Brand Shop: Nobel Tiles

1. Bricks: In the early days of purchase, people usually visit some expensive bricks, but the actual purchase of bricks is generally done during the renovation. At this time, the money in the pockets is also less, there is no time, and some people will Choose some cheap tiles that you haven’t heard of. I don't think it's very good to do this. As long as people are slightly demanding, they won't be able to see the bricks. So at the beginning of the visit, it is best to pay attention to the big brands of special bricks, the price of bricks per square meter is best not more than 40 yuan, if you see what you like, it is a special brick, do not control whether it is already started It's time to shoot it. There is also a way to save money to buy bricks. First, with JS bargaining, when they can no longer cut it, they say that they take delivery of goods, so that one square meter can still make 3-5 yuan, and rent a car for only 50 yuan. Can pull all the bricks back.

The balcony brick I used instead of home stone was only 17/sqm, but not necessarily everyone liked it.

Brand Shop: Fusheng Ceiling

2. Ceiling: Now a new type of ceiling building materials, is made of plastic steel, I think there is nothing to choose from, as long as the hardness can be enough, at 25 yuan / square meter, with PVC corners can be, my home 8 square meters , less than 300 yuan. With a wooden ceiling, a bundle of wood is only 11 yuan.

Money decoration decoration door furniture price square meter decoration electrical paint decoration find decoration company okay floor tile cabinet door bathroom tile bathroom door bathroom tile color bathroom door size bathroom size bathroom ceiling overall bathroom tile adhesive tile price floor tile balcony tile

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