Five taboos in furniture placement

GO Jiaju 720 ° Panorama Mall takes you around furniture

Taboo one    Violent sunlight will fade the surface of the sofa and directly affect the durability of the sofa, so no matter what material the sofa is made of, it cannot be placed next to the window for a long time, especially if the room faces west, it should be avoided.

Taboo II    The location of the audio-visual equipment should also be far away from the window, there are two reasons: First, when the TV screen is illuminated by light, it will produce a reflective effect, which makes people uncomfortable when watching TV programs. Secondly, near the window will be contaminated with dust. When it rains, rainwater is more likely to splash on the equipment, affecting its operation, and even leakage.   

Taboo III    Most of the lighting on the market is dominated by chandeliers, which must be used properly. If the house is too low, you should pay attention to the height of the chandeliers. Too low will hinder walking. The chandelier is installed in the middle position, the light will be more even. As for the height of the chandelier, the optimal distance is about 50-60 cm from the desktop. If it is too high, it may be dazzling, and if it is too low, it will hit the head.

Taboo 4    The desktop of the writing desk should be lower than the elbows to facilitate movement. The distance between the top of the hanging cabinet and the ground should not exceed 2 meters. If the art cabinet has two layers, the first layer is best to see the objects placed inside in the head-up, and the second layer can be held by hand. It's better to get things.

Taboo five    The bed should not be facing the mirror, because the mirror reflects other things, and people may be shocked when they are in a fuzzy state. The bed should not be under the beam, because lying under the beam, the subconscious will feel oppressed.

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) comprise a group of natural biodegradable polyesters that are synthesized by microorganisms. However, several disadvantages limit their competition with traditional synthetic plastics or their application as ideal biomaterials. These disadvantages include their poor mechanical properties, high production cost, limited functionalities, incompatibility with conventional thermal processing techniques and susceptibility to thermal degradation. To circumvent these drawbacks, PHAs need to be modified to ensure improved performance in specific applications. In this review, well-established modification methods of PHAs are summarized and discussed. The improved properties of PHA that blends with natural raw materials or other biodegradable polymers, including starch, cellulose derivatives, lignin, poly(lactic acid), polycaprolactone and different PHA-type blends, are summarized. The functionalization of PHAs by chemical modification is described with respect to two important synthesis approaches: block copolymerization and graft copolymerization. The expanded utilization of the modified PHAs as engineering materials and the biomedical significance in different areas are also addressed.

Polyhydroxyalkanoates PHAs

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