How to decorate your house

The long-awaited house finally arrived, and it was time to start the renovation. Chairman Mao said: "You do it yourself and you have enough food and clothing", but unfortunately you are suffering from "lazy syndrome". For decoration, it is a layman, then only looking for a decoration company. There is no peace of mind in the world. When he finds a decoration company, he asks whether you want to clear it, half a pack, or all pack. Well, one did not understand, did not eat breakfast, only want a package. Which of the three should be chosen? If this happens to Libra, you have to be accused of murder. In order to create a harmonious society and resolve internal contradictions among the people, the following “secrets” of private collections of Xiao Bian are taught to everyone.

The first move of the decoration method - clearing: save money and pain and happy

Explained: Clearing, also known as Bao Qinggong, refers to an engineering contracting method in which the owner purchases all materials and finds decoration companies or decoration teams to construct. Due to the variety of materials and types, prices vary greatly. Some people worry that others may buy materials from them, so some of the decoration households use their own materials to buy and only cover the form of decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages of the move: The owner can clearly grasp the decoration budget, and there is no need to worry about the issue of fare increase. The only thing to do is to supervise the construction quality carefully. Its disadvantages are time-consuming and labor-intensive, time-appropriate owners who have some experience in decoration. If you are white, it is recommended to bypass.
Practice Notes: The construction party may not want you to choose this method. Why? It's like when you go to the barber shop to make hair and bring toiletries, people can only earn the money. So if you choose to clear the package, the problem to face is that it is difficult to find a strong company. At the same time, because of the low profits, some construction parties may take the idea of ​​construction, such as allowing you to add items and delay the construction period. Can not help but sigh, save a lot of money is not easy!

Provincial Affairs Index: ★

Save money index: ★★★★

Decoration effect: ★★★

Decoration experience decoration company decoration

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