Rational application of boron fertilizer on rapeseed

The seedlings are thin, the internodes are long, the leaves are thin, and the color is light. Mainly caused by high temperature and high humidity in the shed. Control measures: First, according to the requirements of temperature and humidity of seedlings, timely ventilation; second, to ensure the cleanliness of the cover, to maximize the light intensity and extend the light time; third, to prevent the seedlings from being overcrowded and to ensure adequate nutrition of the seedlings.
The aging seedlings are small, the stems are short, and the roots are aging, and it is not easy to regenerate new roots. The leaves are small and thick, and the color is dark green. Mainly caused by the long time of seedlings. Control measures: It is necessary to strictly control the age of the seedlings, and it is best to control the temperature of the seedlings without controlling the water.
The roots of the roots of the roots are not hairy or rarely new roots and adventitious roots. The root bark turns brown and gradually decays, causing the plants to turn yellow and wilting. Control measures: First, choose a soil with good permeability as a seedbed to increase the ground temperature; second, use 200-500 times Tianda 2116 plus carbaryl to apply roots; third, keep the seedbed temperature at 20-25 °C during the day and 15 °C at night. .
After the hat seedlings were unearthed, the seed coats did not fall off the embryo leaves, which made the embryo leaves difficult to open, photosynthesis was affected, and poor growth and weak seedlings were developed. Control measures: First, apply organic fertilizer and pour the bottom water, cover the soil properly after sowing; second, timely cover the film and straw
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