When decorating, "can save" and "can not save"

Everyone knows that if you are nervous, you always want to go there during the renovation. There are many provinces and provinces. How much can you save? However, the decoration can not be anywhere, otherwise, it is easy to get decoration "sequelae", today , Xiao Bian gave you an analysis, what place can be saved when the decoration, which place can not save?

What kind of money can not be saved when decorating?

First, the pre-decoration investment can not be saved

During the renovation process, there are several kinds of money that cannot be saved, including the upfront investment. Such as the Internet search information, buy decoration books. Whether it is their own DIY or looking for a decoration company, they can't completely act as “dispensers” and do some necessary knowledge reserves. Investment in this area is necessary.

Second, spending money must also be the finishing touch.

High frequency of durable goods must be selected in good quality, often difficult places, such as the door stone must not be cheap; In addition, the most commonly used door handles must buy durable, and some time a year does not open the door Handle is not necessary to pursue high quality and high prices. In home improvement, spending money should also pay attention to a "finishing touch." Focus on the decoration of the place can use high-grade materials, fine workmanship; other parts of the decoration to take a simple, crisp approach, materials, Mandarin, simple work.

Small size, save money, save money, save money, decorate, save money.

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