The performance and causes of insufficient concrete strength

Insufficient strength performance: insufficient concrete strength will be accompanied by reduced impermeability, reduced durability, and more importantly, will affect the bearing capacity of the structure. Mainly in three aspects:
1 Decrease the strength of the structure and reduce it.
2 The crack resistance is poor, resulting in a large number of wide cracks.
3 member deformation, deformation to affect the normal use.
The reason for the lack of strength:
A poor quality of raw materials:
(1) Poor quality of cement: 1 The actual activity of cement is low; 2 Cement stability is unqualified;
(2) Aggregate (sand, stone) quality is bad: 1 stone has low strength; 2 stone has poor volume stability; 3 stone has poor shape and surface condition; 4 sand, stone has high content of organic impurities, high dust content, mica content in sand high;
(III) The quality of the mixing water is not qualified:
(4) The quality of the admixture is unqualified or the composition ratio is improper.
Concrete mix ratio is one of the important factors that determine strength. The ratio of water to cement directly affects the strength of concrete. Other factors such as water consumption, sand ratio, and ratio of bone to cement also affect various properties of concrete, resulting in insufficient strength accidents.
(1) Increased water consumption: The more common ones are that the water adding device on the mixer is not allowed to measure; the water content in sand and stone is not deducted; even water is optionally added at the watering site.
(b) Arbitrarily applying the mix ratio;
(c) The amount of admixture is not allowed.
(4) Improper use of admixtures;
(5) Inaccurate gravel measurement and insufficient cement usage.
Third, the construction process is not correct (I) Poor mixing, too short or too long cause uneven.
(2) Serious loss of cement slurry during pouring; false coagulation and initial condensation of concrete;
(c) Improper conservation; such as early dryness and freezing, etc.
Four test blocks without standard maintenance or failing to make provisions for the concrete strength of the lack of remediation and treatment generally measured the actual strength, the use of late strength, reduce structural loads, structural reinforcement, analysis of calculations, to the demolition and reconstruction.

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