Safety interval of commonly used pesticides for vegetables

Many vegetable farmers often do not pay attention to the safety interval before the market is listed when using pesticides to control pests and diseases, resulting in large pesticide residues on vegetables. The safety intervals for pesticides commonly used on vegetables are described below:

1) Fungicide. 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder for 7 days, 77% can kill wettable powder for 3--5 days, 50% chlorhexidine wettable powder for 4--7 days, 70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder for 5- -7 days, 50% Nongliling WP 2-4 days, 50% Garry 58% Phytophthora Mn-Zn WP 2-3 days, 64% anti-virus WP 3-4 days .

2) Insecticides. 10% cypermethrin emulsifiable oil for 2--5 days, 2.5% bromomethrin for 2 days, 2.5% kungfu emulsifiable concentrate for 7 days, 5% for Fuling emulsifiable concentrate for 3 days, and 5% anti-Puwei WP for 6 days. 1.8% Aifu factory emulsifiable oil for 7 days, 10% fast killing enemy emulsifiable oil for 3 days, 40.7% lesbian emulsifiable concentrate for 7 days, 20% for sweeping emulsifiable concentrate for 3 days, 20% for fenvalerate emulsifiable concentrate for 5 days, 35% chlorpyrifos for 7 days, 20% fenpropathrin emulsifiable concentrate for 3 days, 10% mazonic emulsifiable concentrate for 7 days, 25% quetiapine emulsifiable concentrate for 9 days, and 50% anti-converse WP for 6 days, 5 % Duobao WP for 7 days.

3) Acaricide. 50% bromodecyl ester cream for 14 days and 50% tork WP for 7 days.
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