How to apply pesticides during the rainy season

1. Select systemic pesticides. Such as 脒 丹 、, insecticide double, insecticidal cockroach, phosphorus amine, dimethoate and other insecticides, or tobuzin, ke 瘟 、, carbendazim, leaf dry net and other insecticides. After 4-5 hours of application of such pesticides, more than 80% of the active ingredients are absorbed into the tissues by the crops, and the pests can be killed even if it rains;
2. Use quick-acting pesticides. The use of this pesticide can quickly kill pests, such as killing pine (speed insecticide), phosphorus amine, 1605 emulsion, etc.;
3. Add a little adhesive or adjuvant to the pesticide. Such as washing powder, tapioca powder water, tea bran water. Because of the adhesive effect, it is not easy to wash away the medicine even if it encounters moderate or light rain after application;
4. Improve the application method. For example, some fields use shallow water to apply drugs, so that the agent can quickly penetrate into the tissue of the plant. For some night-time pests, such as rice leaf roller, armyworm, and leaf worm, choose to apply in the evening or afternoon;
5. Do not wear chemical fiber clothing to spray pesticides. Because polyester, medium and long fiber and all kinds of chemical fiber clothes are thin, the water absorption is poor, the water absorption is poor, the permeability is strong, and the ability to resist pollution is relatively weak. After being contaminated by pesticides, the pesticide will soon penetrate into the human skin and cause skin infection. Sexual poisoning. Therefore, when spraying various pesticides in the rainy season, it is best to wear cotton fabric or clothes with good water absorption, and surround the apron with sprayed pesticides. Wear protective equipment such as masks, gloves and hats.
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