The main pests and diseases of Jiulixiang and their prevention

First, powdery mildew. It is often covered with white powder on the leaves and leaves, which makes the leaves chlorotic, yellow, and fall off. It is seriously damaged during the new shoots. When there is a lot of rain and high humidity, it is particularly prone to morbidity and spreads rapidly. During the new shoots, the new shoots must be sprayed with a 1500 times aqueous solution of chlorfenapyr, or 800 times of aqueous solution of rust rust, or 1000 times of pure aqueous solution of white powder, to completely spray all the branches and leaves. It is advisable to start with drops of water. When there is too much rain and high humidity, it is necessary to catch the sunny day and spray 800 times of methyl thiophanate solution in time. Family potted Jiulixiang, spray 25~30 times dry pure grass ash leaching solution, or 0.1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution, or 0.5% baking soda aqueous solution, or 25~30 times dry octagonal leaching solution or 0.1% lime water clarifying solution This is non-toxic, non-irritating and will not pollute the environment. If it rains four hours after spraying, it should be re-sprayed once to improve the control effect.

Second, red spider. Damage to the leaves, adsorption on the leaves to suck the juice, so that the plants are malnourished, resulting in chlorosis and yellowing of the leaves, resulting in a large number of leaves. It is easy to occur in high temperature and drought. It is necessary to pay attention to the inspection of the leaves. It is found that the red worms with the needle size on the leaf surface and the back of the leaf should be sprayed continuously for 2 to 3 times 1000 times of the aqueous solution of lesper, or 1500 times. That is, stagnant water; liquid, or 2000 times of anti-sweeping aqueous solution for prevention and control, spraying once every 10 to 15 days. For household potted Jiulixiang, you can spray 25~30 times of red pepper aqueous solution or 25~30 times of dry tobacco leaf leaching solution, or spray the leaves with water to sprinkle a layer of sulfur powder.

Third, the branch of the beetle. In order to damage branches and shoots, it is invaded from the epidermis, forming a wormhole, which weakens the tree. In severe cases, the branches and branches are broken and even die. During the growing season of Jiulixiang, it is necessary to pay attention to frequently check the branches and branches. When it is found that there is worm droppings, it is necessary to find the wormholes, and then use the cotton to dip the dichlorvos to block the wormholes, so that the stalks are boring. Die in the insect tract. In the spawning and hatching season of A. serrata, generally in the autumn, every 7 to 10 days, spray an aqueous solution of lesper on the branches and shoots, or 1000 times of aqueous solution of chlorpyrifos, continuously spray 2 to 3 times, ie Eggs and newly hatched larvae can be killed.

Fourth, the scarab, the swallowtail butterfly. Injuring the leaves, mainly biting the young leaves, reducing the leaves, weakening the tree potential and affecting normal growth. During the growth of young leaves, 800 times of trichlorfon solution can be sprayed once, or 1000 times of a net aqueous solution can be used for prevention and control. The family potted Jiulixiang can be controlled by artificial capture, and the captured pests can be killed by hot water.

Five, leaf roller moth, aphid. To damage the young leaves, the leaves are curled and then die, or the growth point is not attenuated, affecting the normal growth of the leaves. During the growth of young leaves, it is possible to spray 1500 times of a purified aqueous solution, or 1500 times of a large atomic aqueous solution, or 1500 times of anthraquinone aqueous solution for control to kill larvae.

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