What issues need to pay attention to during the shutdown?

Many people do not want winter decoration. One reason is because of the cold weather. There is also a reason that many decoration workers have to return home during the Chinese New Year. Therefore, there are often stoppages during the renovation. Of course, it cannot be because of the New Year. Before the decoration was sloppy, in order to take care of the quality of the home improvement and ensure the smooth progress of the resumption of work in the years to come, there were still many issues to be aware of when it was suspended.

  Part1: Points to know before shutting down before the New Year decoration

Many years ago, there was a lot of stress on stoppages, and we couldn't casually stop and stop. As an owner, you need to make the following points before you stop work.

First, ensure that the individual project is completed

To ensure that individual projects are fully completed before they can be shut down, if a certain project cannot be completed within the scheduled shutdown date, it is best to start construction after the year. Due to the high mobility of construction workers, if the construction personnel changes after the year, it will be difficult to ensure the uniformity and integrity of the construction process.

Second, construction acceptance before detailed

Before the work stoppage, the owner needs to check and accept the completed project. If there is any problem, the problem should be clearly written on the acceptance checklist of the decoration company. At the same time, the other party needs to have a simple written commitment: when and what means to solve the problem. The problem.

Third, the need to sign a shutdown agreement

The owner should sign a work stoppage agreement with the home improvement company prior to work stoppage, which can effectively avoid disputes. Under normal circumstances, seals are to be affixed to work sites that are to be shut down, and reopened by project managers, workers, and owners. In the suspension agreement, it is best to indicate the time of unsealing and resumption of work, schedule, item inventory, and signed by both the project manager and the owner. In order to prevent accidents on the construction site, the owner should also reserve the contact information of the on-duty personnel.

New house decoration notice matters needing attention

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