Kitchen decoration must read 10 large kitchen feng shui taboo

1. The kitchen door must not be facing the door. "Yang Zhai three important points" pointed out: "Open the door to see the stove, money and more consumption," This grid will make the hostess health and loss and difficult to gather money at home, luck repeatedly, if you encounter such a pattern, the only way to avoid is to change the door.

2, the kitchen door can not be right on the bedroom door: smoke smoked red, easy to cause home dizziness, explode.

3, the kitchen door can not be right against the toilet door: stove as a source of large and small diet, the need to Naji gas, the toilet is not clean, and the kitchen represents the fire, the toilet represents water, water and fire are incompatible, will lead to the loss of husband and wife, Homelessness can also affect the health of the family.

4, kitchen and toilet can not be the same door: some families in order to save space, so that a shared kitchen and toilet to enter and leave, so that homes are overheated, very unlucky, even worse, advanced toilets, and then into the kitchen, the appetite, absolute swing No deposit.

5. The floor of the kitchen cannot be higher than the floor of the hall, room, etc. This aspect can prevent the backflow of sewage. Secondly, due to difference between the main and subordinate, the kitchen must not overrule the hall and the room; once again, the food should be eaten from the kitchen. It should be elevated step by step, and vice versa.

Kitchen Feng Shui Feng Shui Taboo Feng Shui Knowledge Space Range Hood Glass Home Window Kitchen Door Bedroom Door Glass Door Toilet Door Kitchen Glass Sliding Door Bedroom Bedroom Door to Bedroom Door

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