Application of biological pesticides should pay attention to six "look"

As people increasingly love “green” foods, bio-pesticide is attracting more and more people's interest and interest. At present, bio-pesticide has been widely used in field crops, vegetables, fruit trees and flowers, but its use effect is affected by many factors. In practical applications, we should make maximum use of favorable factors to overcome and avoid unfavorable factors. Improve the control of biological pesticides.

First, look at the use of biological pesticides is greatly affected by environmental factors. In fact, it takes a certain amount of time for biological pesticides to be sprayed from plants to insects to feed or contact with bacteria, and it takes a process to feed from pests to death, which is susceptible to external influences during this period. The most influential factors are temperature, humidity, light and wind. Temperature not only acts on biological insecticide spores, but also on the pest itself, thus affecting the pathogenicity and toxicity of pathogenic microorganisms; humidity has a direct relationship with the propagation and spread of biocide spores, humidity, microbial spore reproduction and Rapid diffusion, easy to infect and kill pests; ultraviolet rays in the sun have a lethal killing effect on spores, so try to avoid strong light when applying, such as the use of better wind on the drift of the biological pesticides after 4 pm Diffusion plays a vital role, and the application of powder in the breeze works best.

Second, look at the land In different areas, the use of biological pesticides is not the same. China has a vast territory and large regional differences. The south is humid and rainy, and the north and west are dry and rainless. Biological pesticides can only be most effective when they meet the best conditions for their lives. On the one hand, it is necessary to increase the amount of water sprayed in arid areas, resulting in a high-humidity environment, which is easy to survive and multiply microbial spores; on the other hand, it can add some specific high molecular substances and substances that increase the viscosity of the solution, such as Starch, animal bone glue, grass ash leaching solution, etc., can reduce the evaporation of the carrier from the sprayed deposition liquid, thereby avoiding the occurrence of rapid drying and improving the use effect.

Third, the insects pests are the object of biological pesticides, for different types and characteristics of pests, the use of biological pesticides are also different. There are several different developmental stages in the life of the pest, and the resistance to the biological insecticide is different at each development stage. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the development stage of the pest. For example, the life cycle of cabbage caterpillar can be divided into four different developmental stages: egg, larva, cockroach and moth. The egg stage is protected by egg shells, and the larvae are protected by scorpion. The old larvae have thicker wax layer protection. The wings can fly, so only when the young larvae are selected for application, the effects of biological pesticides can be fully exerted, thereby achieving the requirements of "treating the disease, treating the disease early, and treating it". In addition, different types of bio-insecticides should be used according to the feeding characteristics of pests. For example, BT has a good effect on lepidopteran pests. After spraying, it is distributed on the surface of plants, causing pests to feed or touch the dead, but pests that suck the juice. (such as mites) is not effective, and avermectin works very well on aphids.

4. Seeing machinery In practical applications, most spray systems are very inefficient. They are usually applied directly from the top to the bottom, causing a large amount of pesticides to accumulate on the top leaves of the crop, and other pesticides are lost in the soil. In particular, when the droplets are large, the loss is greater, and at the same time, due to the high production cost of the biological pesticide, the drug-using technique should be optimized. It is also imperative to use high-performance spraying machines. For example, by spraying with mist, the nozzles sprayed with the fan-shaped air nozzles are small and uniform, which reduces the potential drift of the spray and allows smaller droplets to be sprayed. Target leaves are expected to improve the efficacy of bio-pesticides and reduce costs.

V. See the dosage form The control effect of biological pesticides is often closely related to the dosage form and the use technology. When using, according to the control object, meteorological conditions and use period, the correct dosage form should be correctly selected to achieve the maximum control effect. For example, the powder can be dispersed in a wide range by means of air buoyancy and wind, so that it has greater contact with pests. For pests with a large amount of edible leaves, such as cabbage caterpillar, a method of spraying a wettable powder with water to form a suspension can be used. Ok, and the effect of using the dusting method is worse. Capsules not only have a long-term effect, but also protect the pathogens from environmental factors, and can be used in greenhouses.

Sixth, look at the actual use of biological pesticides, many people do not fully understand the nature of biological pesticides, mistakenly believe that biological pesticides can kill all pests, and not widely used, so that not only should not receive Some effects, but also delay the prevention period. In fact, biocides are highly specific and have a poor insecticidal spectrum. For example, Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) is effective against lepidopteran larvae, but it is not pathogenic to the leafhoppers of the same wing, and Bacillus thuringiensis There are also differences in the control of several important pests in different strains. Therefore, suitable biopesticide varieties should be selected in a targeted manner for different target pests. According to the migratory characteristics of pests, the combination of bio-pesticide and high-efficiency, low-toxicity and low-residue chemical pesticides should be adopted. Because low-dose chemical pesticides are added to biological pesticides, the resistance of pests can be reduced, and the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms can be created. Conditions, while the pests are infested by pathogenic microorganisms, and reduce the resistance to chemical pesticides, so that the two complement each other, thus playing a synergistic role.
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