Wheat field herbicide use instructions

Because of the herbicide, every herbicide has a certain spectrum of killing grass. Only by killing grass with drugs can it be safe and effective. For example, oats can only control grass weeds such as wild oats and looking at Mai Niang, but the other weeds are extremely poor.
Choosing herbs for grass According to the main weeds that harm local wheat fields, choose the appropriate herbicides to achieve the right medicine. Broadleaf weeds in crop damage (e.g. sophia, Capsella, cattle chickweed, etc.), the choice of 72% per acre star dry SC 1 g, 72% 2,4-D-butyl ester 40 ~ 50 ml, 20% Allow it to spray 50 to 60 ml of water to 50 kg of water to treat stems and leaves. In gramineous weeds (such as wild oats, etc.) damage wheat per acre choice of 40% dry swallow wild agent 150 to 160 ml or 64% of the soluble powder 80 to 100 grams of diluted with 50 kg of water spraying stem and leaf. When the weed wild oats and broadleaf weeds as Mixed, mixed with difenzoquat star, 2,4-D-butyl and the like can be used, the dosage of each single predetermined dose amounts.
When the temperature drops, the cold wave does not apply. Generally, the higher the temperature, the faster the plants to absorb, the better the herbicidal effect. The 2,4-D butyl Spraying good results at 8 ℃ ~ 32 ℃, and barban Spraying is easy to produce phytotoxicity on wheat at low temperature (12 ℃).
Application of some pesticides Some herbicides remain in the soil for a long time and will accumulate in the soil. If used improperly, it will affect the growth of the crops. For example, metsulfuron-methyl, chlorsulfuron-methyl, wheatgrass, and wheatgrass can only be used in wheat fields made by rice and wheat and spring wheat fields that are cooked once a year. If they are in early rice, the crops are corn, soybean, cotton, etc. ) When used in wheat fields, it is easy to cause phytotoxicity, while superstars, 2A and 4 chlorine can be used in wheat fields of various farming systems. In addition, the amount of different soil herbicides is also different. Generally speaking, the amount of sand soil is smaller than that of clay soil. If the soil is dry, it must be watered or wait until it is rained, otherwise the effect is very low.
Finally, the herbicide sprayed with the herbicide must be repeatedly rinsed before it can be used to spray other drugs to prevent the presence of residual herbicides in the drug and cause phytotoxicity.
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