Zero-cost transformation to beautify any space

Preface: A good home does not require a large amount of money. Sometimes it does not require you to spend a penny. Change your original home improvement habits and use these free decorative tips to make your home look new.

1. Raise the curtain position.

Brand Shop: City City Curtain City

Question: The residential floor is low.

Solution: When installing the curtains, it is not necessary to close the top of the window frame, and the curtain hanger rods can be properly moved upwards, causing a high illusion of the room, so that people living in it will not feel depressed.

Second, the magical effect of the mirror.

Brand Shop: Presten Creative Jewelry

Problem: The interior space cannot be widened.

Solution: On one of the walls leaning against a few large mirrors, the beautiful frame can be seen as a work of art. The light that is reflected and distorted makes the space more powerful, just like looking up at a shot can lengthen people's lines.

Money saving decoration space window decoration home decoration furniture family decoration background wall decoration partition decoration style creative coffee table wine rack wine cabinet mirror creative bookshelf partition cabinet cloth sofa simple bookshelf glass furniture partition door creative jewelry glass door home decoration home accessories decoration home

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Reactive Dye

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