IHS: Global Energy Demand Will Increase 30-40% in 20 Years

According to the report of the US Bloomberg News Agency in New York, the Energy Research Institute of Cambridge (CERA) and energy expert Daniel Yerkin of the United States HIS Company stated on September 13th that due to the rising income of emerging markets and the global economic growth, Global energy demand will increase by 30% to 40% over the next 20 years.

Jerkin made the above speech at the World Energy Conference in Montreal, Canada. He said: "In the 20 years since 1990, the world's energy demand has increased by 40%. By 2030, we expect the world's energy demand will increase by another 30% to 40%."

Jerkin made the above prediction according to the global economy that will increase from 62 trillion US dollars this year to 120 trillion US dollars by 2030.

According to the World Bank, the global economy was 58.1 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of 2009.

Jerkin said that since North America and Europe have achieved "highest demand", especially the "highest demand" for oil, consumption in emerging markets will be a key factor in increasing global energy demand.