There is no safety issue for genetically modified foods that have been approved for production and sales

Although there have been different views on the safety of genetically modified crops on a global scale, there has been no case of environmental and food safety accidents in the development and application of genetically modified crops for more than a decade. On March 24th, at the Symposium on the theme of "Social, Economic, and Environmental Benefits of Agricultural Biotechnology" held in Beijing by the Plant Protection (China) Association, Prof. Jia Shirong, a researcher at the Institute of Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, pointed out that a rational understanding of genetic modification is needed. Biosafety. To date, there is no evidence that the safety of GM crops that have been approved for cultivation or consumption is problematic.

"Over the years, hundreds of millions of people at home and abroad have consumed genetically modified foods, and have not found any damage to the health of people due to genetically modified products." Professor Luo Yunbo, Dean of the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering at China Agricultural University, said that scientific research shows that the application of agricultural biotechnology Genetically modified foods are more nutritious and healthier than traditional foods. This is because GM foods that improve nutrient content have more nutrients than non-GM conventional foods. For example, the “Golden Rice” program that the United Nations and the World Bank are working on are preparing to transport GM-enriched carotene to vitamin A-deficient regions in Africa and Asia to ease the annual blindness of 3 million children due to vitamin A deficiency in these regions. problem. Another example is the successful testing of high-oleic acid-transformed soybeans, which will prevent people from oversaturating oil intakes, which is beneficial to people's prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

It is reported that currently there are 19 kinds of genetically modified food crops approved for commercial use in China. There are 12 types of food processing raw materials, including soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, tomatoes, zucchini, melons, papayas, beets, flax, potatoes, sweets. pepper.